Japan wasn't always a centre of fashion, but since designers like Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto, it has been at the the heart of a revolution. A revolution that shocked critics at first, but it has really transformed the world of fashion into a world where clothes portray thoughts and ideas, as well as just amazing fashion.
'Deconstrution' was one of the main themes behind this. Deconstuction uses the idea of making the clothes backwards, by starting with a finished garment and slashing, spoiling and altering it.
Here are a few pictures of the sparks that started the bonfire...
Issey Miyake's A-POC collection (A Piece Of Cloth) where the garments were one size fits all and made from, believe it or not, a piece of cloth! |
Rei Kawakubo distorted the human figure with her 'Lumps and Bumps' collection. She added padding in unusual places to make a statement about the way feminine sexuality is portrayed. Rei Kawakubo saw past deconstructivism, and started putting more philosopihical thoughts into her work. |
Yohji Yamamoto also like to steer from the norm, and one way he did this was to alter the western business suit, to make it more flattering, comfortable and relaxing. |
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